Read all about CN Spoke

Messingschlager的中南鋼絲產品庫存量已有約達3000萬條可直接供應– Photo Bike Europe


德國,BAUNACH- 作為台灣自行車零件製造商中南鋼絲CN Spoke 德國南部的獨家代理商Messingschlager已經廣泛地擴大其庫存。為了能迎合更多供應鏈彈性的需求成長,Messingschlage已大幅提高了其服務的水準。

Messingschlager’s has around 30 million products of CN Spoke available from stock. – Photo Bike Europe

CN Spoke to Open European Warehouse

BAUNACH, Germany - As the exclusive distributor of the Taiwanese parts maker CN Spoke Southern Germany based Messingschlager has extensively expanded...



歐洲自行車生產商(COLIBI)和零部件製造商行業協會(COLIPED)已成功達成更有效地追蹤歐盟市場電動自行車的行蹤。透過合併後命名(CN)的修訂,因而達成。有了歐盟的CN代碼, 可追蹤所有進口到歐盟的商品,且這些代碼連結了所有相關進口稅與傾銷稅。

EU Industry Associations Take Action to Track E-Bike Imports

EU Industry Associations Take Action to Track E-Bike Imports

The European industry associations for bicycle producers (COLIBI) and for parts makers (COLIPED) have succeeded in their actions to better track the...

48.5% Anti-Circumvention Duties on Certain Chinese Parts

48.5% Anti-Circumvention Duties on Certain Chinese Parts

BRUSSELS, Belgium - After the introduction of anti-dumping duties on Chinese bikes, a number of exporters and importers tried to skirt the extra levy...

Duties on the Internet

Duties on the Internet

AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands - All European import duties can be found on the Internet, sorted per country and per nomenclature code (CN) under the...

EU Decreases Import Duties for Bicycles

EU Decreases Import Duties for Bicycles

BRUSSELS, Belgium Good news for the global bike industry. Following agreements within World Trade Organization (WTO), the European Union has lowered...

No Dumping Duties on Chinese E-Bikes

BRUSSELS, Belgium - There's a lot of confusion in China as well as in Europe on the anti-dumping duties on the import of Chinese E-Bikes and pedelecs...

China Dumping

MAARSSEN, The Netherlands (October 10) - There are rumors going round that the European Union will soon lift anti-dumping tariffs on complete...

EC Set to Reinvestigate Dumping Duties on Chinese Bicycles

BRUSSELS, Belgium - (6 October) In response to the number of requests it has received, the European Commission has decided to consider an interim...