Read all about Pantherwerke

Pictured here is sales manager Berndt Stiller presenting a greatly expanded Ave e-bike range at Eurobike 2013. – Photo Jo Beckendorff

Ave Bankrupt, Restart Likely

OBERPFRAMMERN, Germany - Development Engineering GmbH - maker of Ave branded e-bikes - applied for insolvency last month. There are strong rumors...



荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹- 自行車在幫助解決環境問題和交通擁塞問題的正面形象讓人們深信歐洲的自行車界並不會受到經濟危機的重擊。以歐盟所有27個市場的產量,銷售和進口數據來看,好景不再。

In 2012, the bicycle production across Europe dropped and shifted to the Eastern parts of the continent.

Bicycle Industry Can't Escape Economic Decline

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands - The bicycle's positive image to help solve environmental problems and traffic congestion made many people confident that...

電動自行車將會是ISPO Bike自行車展的亮點 - Photo Bike Europe

ISPO Bike為成長的市場提供平台

德國,慕尼黑- 在巴伐利亞首府舉行的第5屆自行車展將焦點聚焦於自行車產業兩項主要成長議題-電動自行車和城市交通。ISPO Bike展期為7月25日到28日。

The e-bike will be in the spotlight at ISPO Bike. - Photo Bike Europe

ISPO Bike Platform for Growth Markets

MUNICH, Germany - The fifth edition of the bicycle show in the Bavarian capital puts a well-defined focus on the bicycle industry's major growth...

“We want to expand our OEM business and concentrate on the production and development of e-bikes”, said CEO Michael Schminke.

Pantherwerke Stops Production in Germany

LÖHNE, Germany - Last Saturday the last bicycle came of the production lines of Pantherwerke AG in Löhne, Germany. After several weeks of...

Pantherwerke Michael Schminke


德國,LÖHNE-德國最大自行車公司之一Pantherwerke AG停止位於德國LÖHNE工廠的生產。原本的製造將移到公司最大生產製造基地,該基地位於立陶宛修雷(Siauliai)。Panther International GmbH旗下集團公司面臨產能過剩的問題是轉移的主因。

Retail Giants Turn To e-Bikes and e-Scooters

Retail Giants Turn To e-Bikes and e-Scooters

After UK's supermarket giant Tesco and nationwide retailers Halfords and Argos also the huge retail chains in other European countries are focusing...