Sport Import

Sponsored Sport Import's transformation into a European partner for the cycling...

In early 2020, German wholesaler Sport Import announced plans for a move into Europe by setting up its own sales force for Belgium and the Netherlands. Just three and a half years later, Sport Import has become a European company.

Management Board: Ralf Fischer, Alexander Muellmann and Michael Muellmann.Sponsored

Sponsored Sport Import's 40 years: Family and team success

In the early 1980s, Michael Müllmann couldn't have known that indulging in his passion for BMX - by selling BMX bikes, organising races and supporting young riders - would lead to founding a firm and expanding it throughout Europe. His initial engagement, which still continues today with the Berlin BMX scene through his shop, was because he wanted to see "kids doing the right thing".

Michael Müllmann (L) hands Sport Import GmbH over to the next generation, Alexander Müllmann. - Photo Sport Import

Sport Import keeps it in the family

EDEWECHT, Germany - Michael Müllmann, owner of the German bicycle wholesaler, Sport Import, has handed over the family business to its successor, his son, Alexander Müllmann. Since March 01, 2020, the next generation has been the owner of Sport Import GmbH.

BBB Cycling will change its distribution in Germany. – Photo BBB Cycling

BBB Cycling Goes Dealer Direct in Germany

The strategy of Pon Bike Group member BBB Cycling for the German market will change drastically as of 1 September this year. From that date distribution...

Sport Import 成為碳纖維輪組製造商 Knight Composites 的投資夥伴。-Photo Knight Composites。
Sport Import

Sport Import 入股 Knight Composites

去年就在歐洲自行車展開始前,Knight Composites宣布將設立歐洲總公司。現在這家碳纖維輪組製造商確定和Sport Import成為夥伴關係。這家德國經銷商將會在整個歐洲大陸銷售Knight Composites全部的產品。Sport Import入股了Knight Composites。