Read all about Canyon

Also for the North American market more brands are seeing the potential of the 'electrified' bikes. - Photo Stealth Electric Bikes

Interbike 'New Style' Opens with Outdoor Demo

LAS VEGAS, USA - Yesterday, the 2014 edition of the largest American bicycle show Interbike kicked off with the popular Outdoor Demo at Bootleg...



Cervelo和Canyon之間有關Maximus座管專利的訴訟,經雙方具建設性的對話之後,在上週五獲得圓滿解決。兩家公司本身都承認對方的知識產權以及因此產生的保護權。本訟案中,Canyon 就Maximus座管專利的違反提出訴訟,

Cervelo and Canyon Settle Dispute on Frame Patent

Cervelo and Canyon Settle Dispute on Frame Patent

The legal actions between Cervlo and Canyon about the Maximus Seat Tube patent were amicably settled after a constructive dialogue between both...

Canyon - Cervelo Dispute Not Over After European Patent Office's Hearing

Canyon - Cervelo Dispute Not Over After European Patent Office's...

The patent conflict between Canyon and Cervelo has created a lot of turmoil in the bicycle industry. Both parties met already in court over a...

Update on Cervelo - Tridynamic Dispute

Following up on last Tuesdays Bike Europes Newsletter report on Cervelo's alleged patent infringement, the Canadian bike maker denies that the...

Tridynamic Sentenced to Recall Patent Infringing Cervlo Frames

Tridynamic Sentenced to Recall Patent Infringing Cervlo Frames

The European Patent Office has confirmed the patent infringement of the Cervelo RS, R3 and R3 SL framesets as well as complete bikes as claimed by...

Interbike 推翻地點/日期的決策;維持九月在拉斯維加斯舉行

Interbike 推翻地點/日期的決策;維持九月在拉斯維加斯舉行
