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ECF and CONEBI argued that an electric-power-assisted bicycle under current EU rules is essentially a bicycle, not a motor vehicle. – Photo Bike Europe

Cycling associations claim victory over e-bike exclusion from...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Parliament and the Council of the EU last week reached a provisional agreement to exclude e-bikes from insurance...

E-bikes are leading the way in the growth curve which are predicted to expand from 3.7 million bikes sold in 2019 to 17 million in 2030. - Photo Bike Europe

'E-bike industry needs to invest to meet projected growth'

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Three European cycling industry associations announced a new forecast that the e-bike and bicycle market is expected to expand by...

EU Vice-President Frans Timmermans (l.) and EU Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean (r.) presenting the EU’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. - Photo European Commission

Cycling lobby on EU's Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy: 'It's...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Commission released its Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy yesterday. The cycling associations ECF, CIE and...

This webinar is devoted to industry leaders' insights on current supply source limitations. – Photo WBIA

Industry hosts webinar on supply chain constraints

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The corona pandemic has caused an immense spark in bicycle purchases and usage. This has resulted in a huge supply chain...

Timmerman’s participation in the panel comes during one of the most vital moments for the industry. – Photo European Commission

Frans Timmermans joins Cycling Industries Europe high level mayor's...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Making the voice of the cycling industry heard at EU level has been Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) mission since the...

For the industry organisations the main objective is to ensure that the e-bike continues to be considered legally a bicycle. – Photo Bike Europe

European cycling associations campaign to protect legal status of...

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European Commission's announcement to review Directive 168/2013 which regulates the type-approval for vehicles with two or...

Cycling has an essential role to play in achieving the EU’s ambitious sustainable mobility goals, cycling organisations say. - Photo Shutterstock

Cycling investments key to drive sustainable mobility forward

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Cycling has an essential role to play in the European Green Deal, which aims to achieve a 90% reduction in transport emissions by...

The anonymous survey is jointly conducted by CCCB partners. – Photo CCCB

Cargo bike industry survey gives full picture of the market

BRUSSELS, Belgium - All companies making or supplying cargo-bikes for delivery and consumer use are called to complete a research study by the...

We want to provide the best support possible to our members,” explains CIE’s CEO Kevin Mayne. – Photo Bike Europe

Cycling Industries Europe hosts webinar on impact of coronavirus

BRUSSELS, Belgium - On Thursday 26 March, Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) will host a webinar for its members on the massive repercussions on the...

The CIE group aims to use its expertise and coordination from across the whole cycling sector to support the cycling industries role. - Photo CIE

CIE expert group steps up to smart mobility challenge

BRUSSELS, Belgium - As smart mobility becomes more of a focal point across Europe, Cycling Industries Europe (CIE) has formed an Expert Group on...