Read all about Epac

達成適用於 EPACs 的 ISO 標準並不是單純複製現存歐盟 EN 15194 標準。-Photo Bike Europe

電動自行車 ISO 世界性標準的對話已經開始

中國,上海- 在5月10日,也就是今年中國國際自行車展閉幕後的第一天,一場為期四天、為了制定電動輔助自行車 (EPACs) 的 ISO 世界性標準的會議開始了。預估這將會花上數年來完成電動自行車世界性標準的制定。

The Association of the European Two-Wheeler Parts’ and Accessories’ Industry (COLIPED), established in 1960, and the Association of the European Bicycle Industry (COLIBI), established in 1973, have merged in CONEBI. – Photo CONEBI

Industry Associations COLIBI & COLIPED Merge in CONEBI

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The European industry associations representing bike makers and parts producers - COLIBI and COLIPED - have merged in order to...

很多家網路商店目前都有販售電動自行車調校套件。 – Photo Bike Europe


英國,倫敦- 倫敦警方和英國貿易標準局的官員正在檢查英國的經銷商是否有販售電動自行車速度調校套件之情事;或他們是否有販售破解速限的電動自行車。當局藉由此次的調查行動來建立不肖電動自行車販賣商的名冊。

Speed Tuning Kits Threaten E-Bike Market Development

Speed Tuning Kits Threaten E-Bike Market Development

LONDON, UK - Currently the London police and officers from the UK Trading Standards Institute are checking UK dealers if they are selling speed...



布鲁塞尔,比利时-下周,也就是2009年4月30日,三十个国家的国家标准局(NBS) 将正式宣布EN 15194标准中针对电力助动车(EPAC)的安全标准。这三十个国家包括27个欧盟成员国以及欧洲自由贸易联盟的冰岛,挪威和瑞士。

Preview EPAC Standard Document

Preview EPAC Standard Document

For all of you interested in the new EN 15194 standard for Electronically Power Assisted Cycles (EPAC) click here for a preview of the complete...

EPAC Standard Document for e-Bikes Now Available

EPAC Standard Document for e-Bikes Now Available

Next week, on April 30, 2009 the EN 15194 standard for Electronically Power Assisted Cycles (EPAC) will be officially announced by the National...

New EPAC Standard for Safe e-Bikes

On April 30, 2009 the EN 15194 standard for Electronically Power Assisted Cycles (EPAC) was officially announced by the National Standards Boards...

Talk in Taipei on EPAC Norm as E-Bikes Go Mainstream

Talk in Taipei on EPAC Norm as E-Bikes Go Mainstream

BRUSSELS, Belgium - There's a growing belief in both the US and Europe the electric bike will become a mainstream product in 2009. 2008's faltering...

Time Table for EPAC Standard Implementation

Time Table for EPAC Standard Implementation

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Worldwide the e-Bike industry is looking forward to the introduction of the new EN 15194 standard for Electronically Power...