The app guides the user through a targeted survey to identify each customer's individual needs, taking into account gender, riding style and frequency, and physical complaints in different areas. The questionnaire is organised according to the contact points on the bike (pelvic area, hands, feet), combined with the required measurement for each in digital form. An additional feature is the fully digital body measurement, which determines step length, shoulder width, arm length, and more – just by taking a picture of the customer.
The customer still gets the feeling of a personal consultation”
“The goal is to create a detailed ergonomic profile of the customer, and to be able to recommend individually suitable products for them. The sales talk is simplified, as completing the survey only takes about five minutes, but the customer still gets the feeling of a personal consultation,” SQlab states.
Clear overview
After completing the questions and measurements, the app immediately creates a clear overview of all measurement results and the appropriate products. Next to SQlab products, the app can recommend frame height and suitable bikes as well – the bike brands shown can be chosen by the dealer. This creates a rounded shopping experience, in which the customer receives all-round support to create their perfect bike setup.
All recommended products are shown in percentage matches, which furthermore fosters staff engagement to ultimately decide which product they believe is the best fit. The customer can receive the final overview via e-mail, encouraging them to come back and complete their product setup, if they weren’t sure in the beginning.

Support and motivation for local shops
SQlab offers the Profiler app, available in German and English, free of charge to all of their partner shops. To boost motivation among staff, SQlab is currently working on a reward system that can award prizes based on the ranking of each user in the app. Additionally, SQlab is in the process of expanding the Bikefitting feature of the app.
SQlab summarizes their app: “In short, the SQlab Profiler is a digital sales guide, efficient, revenue-generating and usable for every level of knowledge (user & customer). The customer can determine his entire ergonomic setup with just one consultation - this makes the Profiler the perfect companion for local retailers.”
This article is sponsored by SQlab.