Bafang has specialised in developing and producing electric motor systems and components for e-bikes since 2003. Known for their quality, reliability and innovation, this prominent Chinese company boasts an impressive product range including mid-drive and hub motors, batteries, controllers, displays, and complete drive systems.
It just launched a new 5-speed automatic gear hub called the G500A from their GVT Technology range. This automatic system shifts the focus for the rider, allowing them to concentrate on the road and their performance rather than having to lend their focus to manually shifting gears. In fact, automatic shifting ensures that the bike always rides in an optimal gear for its surroundings, providing a smoother and safer ride that is more enjoyable.
The GVT technology
Backed by meticulous research, Bafang’s Gear Variable Transmission (GVT) is a unique e-bike internal shift system designed to simplify and enhance the riding experience.Whereas traditional gear shift systems typically rely on traditional gear shifting systems with manual controls, the GVT technology offers an innovative alternative with its auto-shifting capabilities.
Gary Xu, Director of the R&D department explains, “The design philosophy behind GVT is to reduce the frequency and cost of maintenance. There is no need for shifting levels or shifting cables. So in essence, there is no need to replace them because they don’t exist in our GVT system. This means that our system is also wireless and grip-less, not to mention the fact that we’ve specifically chosen renewable, recyclable, and biodegradable materials where possible to minimize using non-renewable resources. The auto-change element also reduces the negative impact on the transmission from incorrectly shifting gears, which also saves energy.”
Three key features
There are three key features of the GVT system. The first is the auto-shift technology, which automatically shifts gears according to the wheel speed so that it can provide the rider with a seamless riding experience; maintaining optimal cadence without having to shift manually.
The second is its high integration design. Models like the H700 integrate the gearbox into the hub motor, which eliminates the need for a belt. This results in a cleaner, simpler e-bike design and it also means that the installation process is much easier.
The third feature is that it is completely grip-less and wireless. In other words, the GVT removes the need for traditional gear shifting components such as gear levers, gear cables, and derailleurs. This not only makes the e-bike aesthetically smoother, but it also requires less maintenance by avoiding performance issues caused by harsh weather conditions, mud, or external wear and tear.

The new G500A gear hub
The G500A is a 5-speed gear hub designed to handle extremely high loads of up to 200 nm (Newton metres), so it is particularly suited to high-powered e-bikes. It provides durability and longevity that traditional gear systems cannot match. For example, traditional shifting systems often fail under the high-power outputs of mid motors, which is where the G500A differs; it offers an innovative and robust solution. Having undergone rigorous testing, including 800 hours of continuous operation at a 100 nm load torque, and impact life tests involving at least 10,000 cycles per gear, the G500A is guaranteed to last.
The GVT technology enables seamless gear transitioning, which enhances the rider’s experience. With sales and service centres in the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, France and Italy, and a new factory that opened in Poland, Bafang is well prepared to cater for its European customers. In fact, it continues to expand its global partnerships catering to both OEM customers and aftermarket sales.
This article is sponsored by Bafang